
Archive for March 4th, 2008

Tapioca Weather

There is a saying in Indiana:  “If you don’t like the weather, just wait for (an hour or two) (a day or two).”  (I think that’s it; I think, too, that it has probably been the saying as well in other states I’ve lived in–Michigan and Arkansas.)

We have had everything in these late weeks of winter:  rain, floods, bitter cold, snow, sleet, wind, sunshine, fog.  You name it, we’ve seen it. (Thankfully no tornadoes this year yet in our county; Indiana saw some last winter northwest of here.)

Today, we have had a “light wintry mix”, according to the Weather Channel website.  Whatever it is called meteorologically (Is that a word?), I like my friend Rose Ann’s description better.

She said she was out driving this afternoon, when the falling precipitation sounded–and looked–like someone pelting the earth with miniature ice melter crystals.  She called it that “tapioca stuff”.  (If you haven’t seen pearl tapioca, look it up on the grocery shelf in the vicinity of the puddings.)  I had thought the same thing earlier, but hadn’t said it to anyone.

I wonder if this tapioca weather will mean a two-hour school delay in the morning?

Drive safely, Friends. 

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